Coffee shop language tips

We all like to help our students achieve the best, and knowing what mistakes or knowledge gaps regularly appear can help.  Here's some resources and help for you, the teachers.

Learning from the Spring exams (Speaking) 2019

A short analysis of the results and where some really quick wins can be made. 

A focus on a few simple skills that can quickly help improve results.

Learning from the Spring exams (Writing) 2019.

We've dissected, analysed and studied the results from the April & May Euroexams to create some useful teaching tips.


Click the link to download useful findings from the Written exam today.


What, in English, is a "holiday"?

or...  Is Sunday a holiday?


Regularly I ask a student, "What do you do on your holiday?" to which the reply comes back, "I go to the cinema".  Umm.  In this twenty six minute "chat" we'll take a look at the British English idea of a holiday, weekend or just a day off.